Dreamstate is a tabletop role playing board game—you play it in-person, at a table. Since it’s currently in development, we haven’t printed it yet, so most of the game...
We’re going to do better about keeping the website updated. 1. The second art set of level tiles (out of 3) have been drawn and processed There are 63...
The Trouble with d20’s I’ve played a lot of RPG and tabletop games in my life. There are a multitude of skillcheck systems, from the d20 system used in...
Ditching Stealth When we decided to make the Game Master a competitive player, we had to rethink stealth. Stealth as an RPG mechanic works when the GM operates as...
Skills are special abilities that provide extra damage when attacking, extra mobility, and/or extra utility when players perform actions or engage in combat. Skills are divided into the following...
Hey all, One of my favorite mechanics in Gambit is equipment management. All gear must be equipped to the character sheet on one or more attributes. Often, the gear...
If you haven’t discovered this yet, one of the self-enforced design restrictions we’ve adhered to is to build an RPG board game that doesn’t require pen and paper. This...
Iteration is one of the most significant tools a designer has to achieve the right design solution. The character sheet has undergone more iterations than any single element in...
One of the major changes Caleb mentioned in his recent post is that we made the GM a hostile, competitive player. No longer is the GM a grand facilitator,...
Updated February 20, 2020:: Depreciated. There is now no difference between being in and out of combat now that we have a huge new innovation in the works. There...